Since we are starting to eat formula I am working on Tristin to be able to hold his own bottle. Once that works I will move on to Gavin then I hopefully won't have to hold their bottle which will be great!!!

I just liked Gavin giving the "Ah mom!" look!!!

Gavin trying to wrestle Tristin. Obviously being successful because Tristin doesn't look happy. This seems to happen frequently because I lay the boys next to each other on the ground and Gavin rolls over, so if Tristin is too close then he rolls on to him.

But in the end Gavin gives Tristin kisses to know that he is sorry he just doesn't have good control over his rolling skills "don't be mad bro, you will roll over on me someday and probably crush me!"
Tristin is over a pound heavier than Gavin!
Tristin: 15 lbs 3 oz.
Gavin: 14 lbs
cute, cute, cute, cute!!!!! Thank you for posting. I love seeing you and the boys. I can't believe he's holding his own bottle, that's so big.
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