I gave the boys a hair cut the other day. It isn't how I wanted it but I guess anything is better then how it looked before. Tristin and Gavin can't rock the long hair look very well because they just look like miscreants or deprived children. I can't handle it so I just buzzed it! It's hard to think they look cute when we go to Wally world and Gavin's hair won't lay down and he is screaming at the top of his lungs. If they didn't have cameras in there I would probably leave him screaming in the middle of the isle and pretend I don't know who's devilish little child he is.
Thanksgiving is almost here, one more month till the boys turn two and Christmas will be here way too soon. I have three more weeks of school which seems to be my priority right now. I did get to go to Portland this last week end with out the boys which was a first in a very long time that I have been away from them for more then 24 hours. I missed them a lot, but it was good to have a break and do some fun stuff. I enjoyed it but it is good to be home!!! And more tired then before I left.I gave the boys a hair cut the other day. It isn't how I wanted it but I guess anything is better then how it looked before. Tristin and Gavin can't rock the long hair look very well because they just look like miscreants or deprived children. I can't handle it so I just buzzed it! It's hard to think they look cute when we go to Wally world and Gavin's hair won't lay down and he is screaming at the top of his lungs. If they didn't have cameras in there I would probably leave him screaming in the middle of the isle and pretend I don't know who's devilish little child he is.