Tuesday, May 25, 2010

How to train your Dragon

I took the boy to go see the movie How to train your Dragon. It was a really fun experience, but I realized just how tender they are. The first part of the movie is all action, Dragons attacking the Vikings and the Vikings fighting the Dragons. The first 15 min both boys were on my lap whining that they wanted to go home, Tristin had his head buried into Gavin's shoulder. But then after a bit they both moved to their own seats and were eating popcorn and "RRRRRRRRoaring" at me!!! So I found these backpacks at Walmart for $10 that come with wings and a hood. They kept wanting to wear my backpacks and saying "shool" so these will be good for church or outings for the summer or traveling!!!
I'm really excited to start traveling! I have big plan...which of course won't happen but if it does I have it planned.

Ok so my big news for now is that I got a calling to be the "Teachings for our times" Relief Society teacher. I had my first lesson this last Sunday on Mothers and Daughter By Elder Ballard from last conference. I think it went well but it is a starting point and now I know what needs to be improved and what went well. I am really excited to have this experience. I am glad to have this responsibility to teach the sisters in my ward.


Jillian said...

oh soooooo cute!!!!! I loved that movie! How fun!!!

Bailey said...

Cool backpacks, we so need to see that movie. Your boys are getting so old!