Saturday, April 4, 2009

Spring Break Videos!

Tristin and Gavin are having some fun, Alexis really knows how to get them going!

We have about 5 different BABY EINSTIEN movies that Gavin is obsessed with. After one is done he want another, all day long, and he doesn't quit moving the whole time. He is my T.V. watcher and Tristin would play out side all day if I let him! I'm sure I could win a AFV but the only thing is that I have to catch them on the camera which is impossible.


Bailey said...

Those videos are so cute. I can't wait to see the boys. Kooper loves baby Einstein too and he is three. I guess they can watch it together.

Jillian said...

That is the cutest thing. I was just telling mom that when I feel a little down or stressed this week, I've just watched these videos and they make me happy! ^_^ oh the sweet innocence of youth! Their teeth are cute. Is that weird to say!?