Tuesday, June 24, 2008

We're so glad when Grandpa comes home!

So Dad went on a motorcycle ride for about 10 days. It was really different around the house without him here. Plus Mom was really sad he wasn't here. But I never realized just how much the boy love Grandpa till he came home on Sunday. Even with a dirty beard they where so into Grandpa. Their little eyes followed him into the room and out of the room. We even caught Tristin starring at him while he took a nap on the couch. It was really sweet to see then realize their grandpa that way and realize that they probably missed having him around! I know we all missed him and we're glad he made it home safely.


Anonymous said...

Kendall the boys are so cute, I am sad I can't see them more. Aww I love that they get to be near grandpa, he is such a fun person. How can you not watch him walk around the room with that booming voice. I miss you all and can't wait to get my hands on those babies, oh ya and take a ton of pictures of them.
