Friday, March 14, 2008

tummy time and sitting up

The boys are watching T.V. Gavin loves it and Tristin is sometimes interested. Mom says that they are modern babies. But until I can tell them to "go play" it works!
Gavin is doing really well at holding his head up.

Tristin kept falling over so my hand was there to catch him if he fell.

They look like big boys sitting up, they even sat like that for a long time together and loved it.




Anonymous said...

Shouldn't they be talking already? Man Kendall, our kids must just be really smart. Just because Jackson is still saying no when he means yes and Chauntel caught Isaac peeing off the swingset today doesn't mean our kids aren't bright.

Chauntel said...

And picking their boogies and eating them is really bright, right?